Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, it is so important to boost your metabolism right in the morning. One should never skip breakfast 
because if you skip breakfast you tend to eat more later in the day,and you don't have benefit of having slow release of your energy because you skipped out
on eating your daily consumption of fibre rich food groups like oatmeal which equalizes your blood sugar; and promotes slow energy release. Many of us tend
to kip breakfast thinking we can make it up later,but the truth is that doing so really does hurt us more later down the road. Breakfast also help reduce 
cholesterol levels and for getting rid of bad fatty acids. Select wholegrain, rolled oats that are unsweetened for added vitamins.Make the oatmeal with milk,
which contains calcium, itself acting as a good metabolic trigger.You can always add things to sweeten up oatmeal like natural fruits such as strawberries,and
blueberries and many more.

Eggs are also one of the best things to start of your day with in the morning.. Experts say that it even burns more than heavy carb cereals.With only 75 calories
per egg which packs 7 gram of protein how could you go wrong right.Eggs help you start your day off on a great note helping you feel a live and provides a great
source of energy which help carry you through till lunch.choline via the egg yolk, which can increase fat loss is always a great ideal even if you have to wake
up a little bit earlier to be able to start making breakfast before you have to head out to work.Eggs are an important fat burning addition to the diet.Along with
your breakfast or even lunch have some green tea..research has show that it is a great metabolism booster thanks to the phytochemical compound, catechins,
with the most abundant catechin being Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG); but Bear in mind that sweetening your coffee or adding milk, cream or other coffeehouse
inspired delights will counteract this.So by having just a little bit of knowledge of what to add to your breakfast lunch and even dinner you can boost your
metabolism for beyond what you ever dreamed possible well still burning fat and reaching your goals.

Moving on to the topic of snacks,the very thing we all do at some point during our day.Having the right snacks pre-packed with you is so important.. many of us
get tempted when we see them vending machines packed full of chips,gum,candy, and chocolate bars full of yummy sugar and 9 times out of 10 we fall for it because
we do not have some healthier snacks pre-packed with us for our day. Water-based fruit For a snacking option. Try watermelon, berries, grapes, grapefruit,
pears or apples for a snack.In addition to getting your vitamins and minerals, fruit is full of water and is low in calories and it keeps you feeling full,
which fits perfectly into your weight loss goals.Also another good one to have is Raw vegetables. Low in calories and fun to crunch, partner a dish of carrots,
celery, raw zucchini or radishes with your favourite low calorie dip for a mid morning or afternoon snack.Last but not least is Roasted or raw almonds. Packed with protein,
a handful of almonds is known to stave off hunger for a considerable amount of time. Just don’t eat more than a handful because almonds (and nuts in general) are high in calories.
One more on the road snack you can try is Air-popped popcorn. Although eating three cups of air-popped popcorn may seem like a lot of food (especially when you see it sitting in a
large bowl) it’s actually extremely low in calories, but will fill you up because it’s loaded with fiber. We can all benefit from healthier snacking well we're on the road,and at
work there is no reason why we all can't have fun doing as well.

Lunch is when you use the knowledge you have learned to develop a powerhouse meal..So many times we try to have a power loaded dinner but, lunch is when you should implement this 
powerful element.Making sure you get lots of protein and carbs during lunch is more important than waiting till dinner to eat that powerhouse meal.Some of the things you can
introduce into your lunch like Tofu Not the “traditional” protein, however University of Illinois researchers believe that low-calorie vegetarian protein sources like tofu 
and tempeh boost the metabolism. It's recommended that you avoid processed soy products though––stick with the healthier tofu and tempeh versions of soy.Anything to due with 
high protein and good carbs is great for a metabolism boost mid-day.also good is Chicken or turkey, Chicken and turkey are high in protein, which helps boost the metabolism, 
as well as helping bulk muscles if you exercise. Steer clear of the chicken nuggets and go for the real deal. Select a lean cut that can be grilled or baked and leave the skin
in the garbage.Doing this will help your health and fat burning process naturally no pills.Salad, Select greens that contain plenty of nutrients such as spinach or arugula and 
partner with other crunchy veggies and a protein (such as a hard boiled egg or grilled chicken or steak). Not only can you glean protein from a spinach salad but you can also 
obtain almost an entire day’s worth of vitamins and minerals. Use caution when choosing and adding salad dressing––pick something low calorie (such as olive oil and vinegar) 
and ask to have it “on the side” so you can control how much goes on the salad.Last but not least is Soup. Skip cream based soups and try a clear broth with chicken and vegetables
or even a cold soup like gazpacho. Experts say that soup is a great choice for lunch because it is water based, which can fill you up using fewer calories. Add more nutrients to your
soup by substituting chicken or beef broth with tomato juice or V-8. Add chicken or turkey, your favourite vegetables and your stomach will feel full for hours without having to consume
many calories.Put these tips into action and see your life change greater energy and more healthier body.In the next blog we will discuss dinner options as well.Hope this post helps
aid you in transforming your body to a healthy temple. 
As we have all seen in our grocery store there are many thing claiming to be 0% fat when really they have one of the highest counts of fat there is on the market.Learning about real true fat burning foods,and how you can lose weight and still enjoy the food you love without give up your taste buds.Imagine being able to eat the foods you love and still reach your weight loss goals,come on what is better then that we all want it don't we?

Well within my free report on fat burning foods there is lists of the foods that will make this dream a reality. There are 1000's of foods that can do this for you,wouldn't be nice to have your goals met without the need for buying organic foods? Well in my case I love this ideal and you should as well,because nothing beat losing weight and not losing your pleasure foods.Many of us don't think there is such a thing as a fat burning food,but if there wasn't why is there so much research done on this subject why would nutritionist keep bringing this topic up; take some time and think to your self about it because for something to come up this often it has to be true.

The benefits of knowing this information can make us all meet our goals of weight loss,and make us much more healthier what more could a person ask for in one subject.I believe that this can make all of our lives more healthier and better even for our family members and love ones.The healthier we become the less diabetes we would face,less heart attacks,and my good the energy level we could see all from just knowing this information amazes me . When I started looking into this I was blown away by the loads of information given on this topic, I mean I wish I knew about this so much earlier in my life; and that I could of seen these results long before now.Nick has a good product about this very topic the truth about fat burning foods and I must say  it is packed with everything one needs to know about this topic and the bonuses are just icing on the cake.

I hope all of you look into this wonderful way of burning fat with just food,because nothing beats having the knowledge that with keep you healthy and meet your weight loss goal all with next to no effort come on we all know how busy we can get so why not having something that works for us not against us.I am going to put the link to Nicks product which is a book and you get way more then just that but if anything read through his page even if you don't get it you will learn a lot.We can all see improvement by just taking a chance and opening our minds to a no format of doing things to get closer to our weight loss goals.Thank you for taking the time out your day to read this post and may you be blessed like I am each and everyday.Click on the image below to be taken to Nicks site and see for yourself.

Nicks amazing Fat Burning Foods Ebook!!


    Hello my name is Thomas and I am the author of this website,here I write about things to do with fat burning foods.Some of the things I write about are lists of fat burning foods to help put the word out that fat burning foods are real and anyone can lose weight by eating these foods daily.


    October 2013


    Health & Weight Loss